Product News from Dentally
Dentally Portal

New Dentally Portal URL for Improved Customer Experience and Reinforced Trust

Simon avatar
Shared by Simon • February 22, 2024

Our latest enhancement to Dentally Portal is coming soon!

We want to introduce you to our new, industry-specific URL:

This transition is part of our ongoing commitment and dedication to enhancing the overall customer experience and solidifying trust in our online dental solutions. Practices already using Dentally Portal do not need to do anything to receive the benefits of this update once it goes live. Let's delve a little deeper into a few of the key features of this URL transition:

  • Industry-Specific URL: We wanted to make Dentally Portal instantly recognisable not only by our customers but also among your own patients. By introducing a URL specifically tailored to the dental industry, we can instil confidence in your patients when it comes to utilising the online tools accessible to them.
  • Enhanced SMS Communication: The adoption of the shorter URL promises to streamline communication channels, particularly through SMS. The reduced length of URLs allows for more concise and informative messages, ultimately enhancing the overall patient experience with Dentally's services.
  • Seamless Redirection: To ensure a smooth transition, visitors attempting to access the previous website will be automatically redirected to the new URL for the next year. This seamless redirection mitigates any inconvenience or disruption for customers, ensuring uninterrupted access to Dentally Portal.

This update aligns with our mission to create a more secure, efficient, and patient-focused online environment. By prioritising enhanced communication and user-centric solutions, Dentally can continue to set a high standard in dental healthcare technology.

Once this update goes live, it will happen automatically in the background and requires no additional action from you at the practice.

Have any questions? Reach out to Ellie Bot and the support team via Live Chat in Dentally.