Product News from Dentally
Clinical Excellence

Have you seen the new personal treatment plan templates function?

Kevin avatar
Shared by Kevin • April 10, 2024

A recent update to treatment plan templates enhances your user experience and efficiency with the ability to create personal treatment plan templates 🎉

Previously, treatment plan templates were uniform across the practice, leading to a long list which every clinician had access to, often resulting in accidental deletions and unwanted clutter.

But with our new feature, it couldn't be smoother! When you save a treatment plan template going forward, you will be prompted to choose whether you want it to be personal. This means that only the user who created the template can view and access it, and ensures that each practitioner has access to their preferred templates without interference. For more information on how to add treatment plan templates take a read of our help centre article here.

Please note 💡 - all treatment plan templates that existed prior to the change in April 2024 will be marked as shared.

You can utilise the 'Favourites' ⭐️ feature to keep your preferred templates readily accessible; by pinning favourites to the top of your list via the menu button, or by simply viewing the 'Favourites' category, you can quickly and easily find your desired plans.

Why should I be using treatment plan templates?

Treatment plan templates offer a streamlined solution for charting multiple treatments and appointments for patients with just a single click, significantly reducing the time required for documenting complex and lengthy treatment plans.

This efficiency not only enhances productivity but also allows practitioners to allocate more time to patient care. The utilisation of templates ensures consistency within the practice, because standardised procedures can be added as practice-wide templates for everyone to use.

By adopting treatment plan templates, practices can optimise workflows, minimise errors, and provide a consistent level of care, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction. For those eager to explore these updates further, the Help Center provides detailed guidance on how to add and use personalised treatment plan templates.

This innovative update underscores our commitment to improving user experience and optimising efficiency in your practice. Stay tuned for more updates to come soon!